Friday, December 11, 2009

How do you get rid of a really hard zit overnight?

I know about toothpaste and peroxide, but do you have any other suggestions?How do you get rid of a really hard zit overnight?
pop itHow do you get rid of a really hard zit overnight? need will really work overnight...TRUST me,i use it all th etime. Just put a dab of wherever ur pimple is and it will work overnight...

You can find on-the-spot in any drugstores near you.
The only things I've heard that are supposed to work is toothpaste. Other than that.. use really good coverup!
Use an ice cube to shrink it down.
what about toothpast one and u cant get rid of it just cover it up no one will know
you dont.
pop it or buy proactive
i have this stuff called yes believe it or not... it is called bye bye blemish, and I PROMISE U... overnight... BAM!! That sly little sucker that planted on the tip of your nose is gone!! buy it... i know u said u wont... but if u dont... you are stuck with him.... yes him... u two will be aquainted for some time now... so i guess u are going to have to get to know him... so u better name him... just until hes gone...
Try pliers. If you don't have pliers at home, an ice pick and small hammer might help.
it goes away in seconds when you pop it!
benzoil peroxide lotion on overnight? or calamine lotion
toothpaste is for your teeth. the best over the counter product is any product containing 10 percent benzol peroxide. this is the clearisil cream. apply the cream directly on the pimple and after you wash your face. Wash with oxy 10 percent benzol peroxide. do this three times a day. you should go to a dermatologist for acne treatment. antibiotics will clear your face and if your acne is worse then get accutane, the miracle acne pill. buy first do your homework on accutane because if could be dangerous.

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