Sunday, December 13, 2009

Can animals get zits?

I used to have a pet hairless rat. I know, gross, don't know why I got it, he was mean, I was like 10. He used to get this huge welt looking thing on his back and my Mom could tell it was a zit. It seemed to bother him so she actually popped it for him. It came back several times. Did he only get that because he was hairless or can other animals (with hair) get zits?Can animals get zits?
Dogs get canine acne, and cats get feline acne..You can treat it with human acne medications, and it usually improves if bowls are washed daily and if they are not fed in plastic..

the symptoms are crusty black specks on chin and face..

They can also get pimples, from ingrown hairs, which I suspect your rat had, or foreign objects under the skin..splinters, fox-tails, or tick heads, etc..Can animals get zits?
our cocker spaniel use to get giant white heads, totally gross. and ferrets can get black heads on their tails that can develop into more serious problems. not sure about other animals but i would say its definitely possible.
you look hot
I have NO idea. I would say no, they can't because the hair follicles are different on an animal and they don't generally have the same dirt problem as humans.
Some dogs w/ metabolic problems get them all over. My old dog got them, but her vet called them sebaceous cysts. Same difference... Welts about the size of a corn kernel, and when sqeezed oily pus would come out. Gross.
totally posible but i think they were more like so about this but some kind of tumors or lisions not sure with out more info
Animals do indeed get zits. Usually animals with less hair, like you were saying. Or where there is less hair and get dirty. Great Danes sometimes get zits around their mouths because they are messy eaters.

I think the rat had an abscess, same thing, an infection with pus under the skin, but bigger and nastier. It's usually caused by a foreign body. They don't go away on their own either. You have to remove whatever is in there causing the problem. (which is probably why it came back). Cats get them a lot too.
Yeah, animals get ';zits'; (blemishes), if their skin is not taken care of properly.
No, other animals can get zits, or blemishes too. It is common for dogs on their chin or lips.
I know my dog had gotten one on her ear...and it was massive... we had to pop it like 10 times to get all the stuff out of it.

So yeah, they can have zits =/
It sounds like your rat had an impacted or infected sebaceaous (not sure if that is spelled right) gland. It is an oil producing gland that usually helps to keep the skin healthy, but sometimes it gets plugged up and has to be extruded, not unlike popping a big zit. I have seen a number of dogs (with hair) get this on the back kinda between the 2 front legs in the shoulder area. Some cats are prone to black heads. They usually form on their chin and can be treated with alcohol.
yes other critters can get zits, especially if they eat out of plastic bowls.
not that i now of,it could have been just a bump that they have but look on the net or go to web site with vets and they can tell you
A pimple can develope anywhere there is a clogged pore. Some come in as blackheads while other become more infected and result in zits. Any animal can get the. Its just a matter of being able to see them.
My dog gets like ingrown hairs. They are kind of like zits. But they produce oils in their skins so they can get zits. You should just pop them and put neosporin on them so they can heal. You need to make sure that he doesn't have anything like a cheat grass or something that got in his skin and festered. They look like zits too.

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