Thursday, June 24, 2010

Who likes popping other people's zits? I know its disgusting but I get much satisfaction executing the critter

... I also don't mean going up to a complete random on the street... That would just a bit wrong ;)Who likes popping other people's zits? I know its disgusting but I get much satisfaction executing the critter
LMAO!! I do it to my Bf, then I give him a facial! How funny. I am always squishing him, or picking at something on him. Hey you can't leave a zit there, it looks nasty!! Pop that sucker!Who likes popping other people's zits? I know its disgusting but I get much satisfaction executing the critter
i like popping my husband's zits.he thinks I am crazy.
I use to do it for my ex when we were married but only ones he couldn't reach.When I see people with a big bunch of black heads

I almost want to get rid of them...eeewww...but there are no reason why they can't get rid of them on their own.
I know! It's gross, but I really ENJOY doing it to my husband...he gets recurring ones, so I know where to look. (ick) but yea! :)
that is just wtf is up with that...
that is the most disturbing thing i have ever heard in my life.
i know my mom always popped mine when i was younger

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