Thursday, June 24, 2010

How to get rid of zits in less then 3 days?

put honey on it. it will get rid of all your problems 4eva!! (as long as you continue to put honey on the area a week after they dissapear)

spot treatment: calamine lotion, works all the time!! and is MUCH MUCH MUCH BETTER THAN TOOTHPASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

drink GALLONS OF WATER!!!!!!

balanced diet w/ alotta berries and bananas

vitamin supplement w/ vitamin a and e.

very warm very salty water

mask/scrub: put a few drops of water on 4 non-coated aspirin and wait till they soak up the water. then smash them up and add a squirt of honey. finally: mix together to form a paste, and apply directly to affected area/ whole face.

this will make skin FLAWLESS!!!!!!

goood luckerz!!!=]How to get rid of zits in less then 3 days?
Squeeze them and make sure you get all the pus out. Then keep it clean and maybe put some antibacterial cream on it like Savlon.

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