Saturday, June 26, 2010

How can i prevent a whitehead/zit from surfacing?

Above my lip, there is an area that is red and slightly bumpy. I KNOW a zit is just waaaiiting to sprout. How can I stop it dead in it's tracks?

*I have tried salicylic acid, toothpaste and rubbing alcohol in the past. (Did not work)How can i prevent a whitehead/zit from surfacing?
1. you can use anti inflammatory to suspend the flaring... clobetasol cream, betametasone... apply 2x a day..

2. stop touching it! you will cause more inflammation when you start touching it...

3.benzoyls, salicylic, and glycolic soaps are good whitehead controlling formulations... choose which one based on skin sensitivity...

4. whiteheads are due to clogged sweat and oil pores.. get rid of your creams! start using solutions and/or gels

5. exfoliate regularly...that helps unclog the pores...but not if your skin is red!

6. use oil blotters instead of repowdering your face... that way, less clogging...

7. and use water based makeup...

8. get a good toner... alcohol based if oily, water based if skin is sensitive...

9. drink lots of water! and sweat it out....How can i prevent a whitehead/zit from surfacing?
Drink lots of water...will keep your pores from clogging. Also, use oil blotting papers to remove the excess oils from your face. Get a neutral soap that will reduce the excess oils on your skin.

You should see some immediate relief within 24-48 hours.

I have tried various pimple reduction techniques before settling on Thermaclear. For a detailed review, visit
well I know that if you get a cold sore coming up you can put PERFUME on it and it will kill the cold sore right away, ( i guess the alcohol does the trick but the perfume smells nice) maybe an antibiotic cream like Polysporin might help you situation

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